Home Body 10:50 p.m. 2003-08-02

Current Listening: Buffy video tape - Season One, Episode Seven
Current Reading:Cuba Diaries: An American Housewife in Havana by Isadora Tattlin
Recipe of the Day: Chicken Liver Pate

Today has been a little low energy - but I don't think I had a hangover. We went to On The Border for dinner with my husband's brother and wife, and his mother's widower - sort of a belated birthday celebration for his brother's wife. I had two margaritas, and for my second margarita, asked for a shot of Midori - for old times sake.

I slept until 10:00, then read my book, The Cuba Diaries, for a while. Since it has been almost 3 weeks since I have had sushi, I decided that I needed to see to that. So, I got up, got dressed in weekend wear (sweatpants and a t-shirt, socks and tennis shoes), and took off for Toyota-Ya. They have a decent buffet there, with no fried sushi. I will get some of that at RuSan later on this week! ;-)

My husband got his "new" car - a second-hand Nissan Sentra - formerly our sister-in-law's car. He is going to donate his car to Mission to the World, through Donate-A-Car.com. Pretty nice! He also took some pictures of a guitar that my dad found, to put on E-Bay. At the moment, he is at some bowling alley, re-uniting with some old high school friends.

Me? I'm here, typing on the computer, listening to an old videotape of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was using it to keep me company as I tried to make some sense out of the chaos in my office/guestroom. I have done something: I have put up the shower curtain, unloaded guest bathroom knick-knacks, moved my bookshelf over, and added a bedside table. I quit after putting the sheets on the bunk beds, which are in a corner. I had to turn off the ceiling fan - to avoid getting hit - and balancing on the stepladder to get the top bunk done. That was hot work!

I had a chance to talk to my mother, who is in Seattle. As a birthday gift, my sister and I had planned to pay for a visit to Victoria, British Columbia, as it is a beautiful city, and is handy to Seattle, via ferry or the Victoria Clipper. Well, in a stunt reminiscent of my father's entry into Mexico,, my mother called to inform me that, in the scramble to get packed, it slipped her mind that Victoria was in CANADA.

As in, requiring documentation in order to enter the country. As in, a passport.

Now, my mother does have a passport. Which is in the top drawer of her filing cabinet (hopefully!). Which I get to go retrieve tomorrow so that my husband can Fed-Ex it to her in Seattle, hopefully in time for her trip into Canada. We were hoping that her driver's license would suffice, as I read in Frommer's, but in this wacky 9-11, no on trusts anyone anymore.

Where is the love, I ask you?

I called to report this to my friend, Laura, who was instrumental in getting my father to and from the airport for our trip to Mexico. By the way, she has started her own blog, at my urging. Check it out, it's called La Petite Mouche. She's a hoot!

I am going to sign off now. I regret to admit that I got off on a tangent while looking for an appropriate Buffy link, and found myself looking at scads of galleries of photos at Buffy Guide.com - ooh! I just discovered the episode guides, complete with character bios.


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