L'Auberge Espagnole 1:41 p.m. 2003-06-22

Yesterday was "one of those days" with regard to my diary entries. On the weekends, at least for the time being, I am using my husband's Macintoch computer, and we have but a sad, dial-up modem here until the powers-that-be decide to hook us up.

So, anyway, I was in the middle of writing an entry about seeing L'Auberge Espagnole, when a message came up saying that our connection had been terminated because of "lack of activity." I don't know how much more active I could be, typing away, finding links to add to my diary.... but I decided to log on again, but thought that I should copy my work, just in case something funny happened at the re-boot.

I pressed Control C, like any good Windows person, even though I knew that there was a drop down menu up top that worked (better?), and as soon as I did it, all you could see was a blank square where my entry used to be. Now, I don't want to anger any Apple fans - because I am a friend and relative of many - but, in that situation on a Windows machine, all you have to do is guardez le sang-froid (keep your cool), go up under the "Edit" menu, and hit "Undo." I searched in vain and could not find this. So, in disgust - and with a few curse words, I gave up journalling for the day.

Again, Apple people, please do not e-mail me with what I should have done. I am married to a Mac - user, and he can give me the 10 minute lecture and demo later... ;-)

Anyway, the movie was great. It is the story of a French student, ready to enter the business world, who is given the suggestion to study economics in Spain to further his career. If he does this, and examines the problems of integrating Spain into the European Union, he is guaranteed a Ministry job when he returns.

What follows are his misadventures in Barcelona - a truly life-changing city if there ever was one! - where he eventually rooms in a crowded apartment with 6 other student-types. I won't tell you the ending. Now, I went to do my study abroad in France, first in Angers, at the Universite Catholique de L'Ouest (their French as a Second Language school, the CIDEF, actually), and the second time I went as an English assistante (teaching assistant) in Poitiers, France.

Those were some of the most influential years of my life, so I identified very much with the film - especially with the difficulty of having to return to "the real world" after having been abroad. My experience in Angers is closer to the movie than Poitiers was, but (for those who have seen the movie) I did not do drugs or have sex - but I did drink and eat a bit! ;-)

Speaking of The Real World- this year, they are in Paris. Now, I used to be a big fan of The Real World, because this show also reminded me of my experiences abroad - getting to know a new group of people, etc. And I really enjoyed several seasons - in particular New Orleans, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, and Miami. I even tolerated Hawaii, even though that was the year it started to degenerate into a Jerry Springer skank-fest.

But I digress. As I learned that they were going to Paris this year, I wondered if I should watch it. It's a moot point at the moment, as we have no cable, and I am sure that I can see the whole thing in a marathon or endless re-runs. But I am going to be pretty furious if a trip to France was wasted on a bunch of American kids who have no concept of the blessing that they have - to be in France - and just spend their time drinking in the hot tub and having sex with each other!

I went to see the movie - L'Auberge Espagnole - (don't worry, I didn't forget the topic) at the new Madstone Theaters. It is a new art film theater in Sandy Springs. There were techical problems a-plenty, including the DSL connection being down so that VISA couldn't be used (thank God for my foresight in stopping by an ATM), and sound problems. But we need a theater like this in our town, so I hope to go there often, especially since it's the only one between work and home!

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